Batanov Î.V.

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019), 126-138 p.

DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-126-138

Batanov Î.V. Actual problems of constitutional and legal provision of gender equality in local self-government: domestic and international experience

The problems of the theory and practice of ensuring the principles of non-discrimination on the basis of gender and gender equality in local self-government are considered. In mod¬ern international political and sociological discourse, the notion of local self-government, decentralization and the functioning of territorial communities are often considered in connec¬tion with the concept of gender. Attention is focused on the fact that “gender mainstreaming” means not just adding a “female component” to projects and programs. It is, first of all, an analysis and consideration of the various conditions and requirements for women and men, the roles they play in society as a whole, and in the territorial communities and processes of decentralization of public authority, in particular. After all, the idea of the value of a human person, his rights and freedoms at the local level – within the limits of local self-government and processes of institutionalization of the municipal authority – is most clearly shown and is tested. Recognition and formation in Ukraine of local self-government, deep economic and political transformations in society and the formation of a new democratic state on this basis are directly related to the development and practical implementation of fundamentally new approaches to human rights and freedoms for us, to resolve both national and regional, as well as local problems in this area. The main international standards are analyzed, as well as acts of national legislation proclaiming these principles.

Among the key challenges and opportunities for gender equality in Ukraine: promoting gender mainstreaming in local self-government and strengthening the role of territorial com¬munities in this area, introducing a gender perspective in policy at the local level to ensure access to state and municipal policies for all citizens who have an impact on the daily life of women and men, the elimination of gender stereotypes in the territorial communities and the promotion of gender equality and local-regional dimension functioning of society, the devel¬opment and implementation of strategies for gender equality and gender mainstreaming in various aspects of life of local communities and of local government and so on. One of the most gender-sensitive issues characteristic of modern Ukraine is their limited access of women to the authorities in general and the municipal authorities, in particular.

It proves that local self-government is one of the most gender-sensitive forms of democracy.

Key words: gender equality, non-discrimination, human rights, territorial community, de¬centralization, local self-government.


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