Bondaruk T.I.

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),
173-180 p.

DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-173-180

Bondaruk T.I. Historical and legal research in the context of the new humanities: some trends and accents

The article attempts to examine the main provisions of postmodern and new humanitarian sciences and their influence on the development of science of law and the history of law in particular.

Reflection on the defining goals, values and meanings of the science-learning process is a natural and necessary element of the humanities. In particular, this relates to legal science, the current state of which in Ukraine, as transitive in the state, is determined by a long and ambiguous process of formation and development and is characterized by rather diverse approaches to research. The post-Soviet historical and legal science faced the need not only to respond to the challenges associated with public, state-legal, political-legal processes, but also to seek answers to the past that will help solve the problems of the present and the future.

Among the problems is the failure to observe the «program of modernism as a culture of great novels on the Ukrainian territory - the absence of a Ukrainian metanarative from the positions of not Soviet, but Ukrainian rationality. At the same time, it gives an opportunity to bring in the modern discourse the idea of meaning, which serves as the basis in the foundation of the postmodern concept of meaning, and take into account the current trends of modern humanities, which is important given the current political and cultural situation, which can be defined as postcolonial.

Postmodern discourse, which determines reflection on social traumas and white spots, contributes to the reproduction of a picture of historical and legal reality. In particular, for historical and legal science, significant potential includes the triad “history of ideas - intellectual history - the history of concepts», the adaptation of postmodern practices in the creation of anthropologically oriented law history, focusing research attention on the processes of constructing identity (legal traditions (canons), cultural and legal memory, local (partial) legal systems, cultural and legal space, etc.).

At the same time, the necessary condition is determined by the transnational and multicultural context, and the key issue is the return of a person to the state and law-making process.

The concept of integrity, anthropocosm, «cosmobiosocial integrity», which becomes the key in the whole field of humanitarian knowledge, is analyzed. In particular, one of the meanings of historical and legal research is the study of the consolidation of the right of experience in the formation of a system of civilian habits. ²t is important to avoid the approach to law just as a way of understanding, without realizing its role as a way of counteracting non-legal phenomena and processes.

The above provides a basis for updating historical and legal research both in the context of the new encyclopedia of law» as a synthesis of interdisciplinary knowledge, which sets out a new vector of search for the answer to the existence of law, and the «new dogmatics of law with its attention to legal norms, constructions, techniques, normative acts, their codifications, when the subject field of the history of law becomes the actual history of legislation.

Key words: narrative, postmodern, new humanitarian, science of law, history of law, civilization.


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