Deineka K.O.

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),
483-492 p.

DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-483-492

Deineka K.O. The principles of codification technique: the essence, nature, purpose

The article deals with the main principles of codification technique, their essence, nature and purpose. On the basis of the analysis the author provides own definition of “principles of codification technique”. The emphasis is placed on the principles that define the technical requirements for the construction of codification acts.

The author proves that principles of codification by its nature means the basic rules for the regulation by the competent authorities of the regulatory framework in the form of codification acts with a view to cancelling, changing the existing legal norms and establishing new, elim¬inating defects in the legislation (filling gaps in legislation, eliminating duplication of legal norms, contradictions, reducing the number normative acts on the same issue).The codification technique is aimed at radical (external and internal) processing of the current legislation by preparing and adopting a single, stable, logically integral and systemic normative act (the basis of legislation, code, statute, provisions, a set of laws, etc.), which as a result replaces the essential part of the normative-legal regulation within a certain branch of law and implements the function of branch formation.

The analysis makes it possible to conclude that conceptually all the principles of codifica¬tion technique can be divided into two blocks:

1) the fundamental principles of law, which shall be based not only on the basis of law, but also on the basis of normative acts that formalize legal norms (the principle of the rule of law, humanism, justice, equality, legality, etc.);
2) technical requirements for the construction of codification acts, which should ensure the qualitative construction of the text of normative acts that formalize the legal norms (principles of structure, system, planning, language, etc.).

Key words: codification technique, legislative technique, principles, codification, princi¬ples of codification.


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