Derets V.A.

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),
312-319 p.

DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-312-319

Derets V.A. Administartive law principles' of the reform of local executive authorities

Local executive authorities are local state administrations and territorial bodies of central executive authorities (hereinafter - CEB). In Ukraine, within the framework of the reform of public administration, the reform of the CEB, in the first instance of the ministries, is continuing. The next step in reforming the system of executive power should be the reform of the territorial bodies of the CEB. The reform of local state administrations has been planned within the framework of decentralization reform. Therefore, the task of the science of administrative law is to analyze the problems that exist in the activities of local executive authorities and to develop scientific approaches on the ways of their solution. This will contribute to the improvement of the functioning of not only these bodies, but also of the whole system of executive authorities, of which they are part.

Within the limits of its authority, the local state administration exercises executive power in the territory of the corresponding administrative-territorial unit, and also implements the powers delegated to it by the relevant council. In the context of reform on power decentralization, both the appointment and the organizational structure of local state administrations should be changed. According to experts, there should be functioning or substantially reformed local state administrations, or created prefectures. The functions of prefects are divided into three categories: 1) general management, including authority over local CEB bodies; 2) supervision over the activities of local self-government bodies; 3) safety and protection of the population. We agree with the view that the system of local government bodies should be revised, in particular, doubts about the expediency of the existence of district state administrations and, therefore, prefects at this level.

Territorial bodies of the CEBs can be currently established by both ministries and other CEBs. Ministries as bodies of state policy formation will not require territorial bodies. Territorial authorities should be in those CEBs that implement a state policy.

Consequently, the reform of public administration should also cover local executive authorities.

Key words: local executive authorities, local state administrations, territorial bodies of central executive authorities, ministries, reform, decentralization of power.


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