Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),
407-418 p.
DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-407-418
Falal³e³eva L. H. Råfîrm of Court of Justice of the European Union and practice of fundamental rights protection
The peculiarities of the legal status and evolution of jurisdiction, the post-Lisbon period of the reform of the Court of Justice of the EU, and its role in fundamental rights protection in the EU legal order were highlighted in the research. It was noted that at present the Court of Justice of the EU is a generalized title of the Court of Justice and the General Court as constituent elements of the judicial system of the integration association, each of them within its jurisdiction ensures observance of the right to interpret and apply the founding treaties. The modern practice of fundamental rights protection in the Court of Justice of the EU and doctrinal views on the issues discussed were analyzed.
The role of the practice of the Court of Justice of the EU in the process of formation and development of the EU law, the formation and autonomy of sui generis legal order, the establishment and evolution of the EU human rights protection system, its convergence with the system of human rights protection within the framework of the Council of Europe was emphasized.
It was stated in the research that the reform of the judicial system of the EU had not been completed, its post-Lisbon period continues, inter alia oriented on the urgency of responding to the challenges the Court of Justice of the EU faced in ensuring respect for human rights. Adapting to the new imperatives, conditions and stages of the integration process, the organizational and legal principles of the Court of Justice of the EU, its approaches to interpretation, taking into account the existing models and the current status of law, are being developed. The Court of Justice got the confidence, established as an influential institution of the EU, and ensured: effective judicial protection in the areas of EU law regulation, having formulated its main qualification features; the correct application of EU acquis, partly filled with Court practice; the progress of European integration, including the deepening of legal integration; maintenance and observance of the institutional balance established by the founding treaties; the high authority of the judgements that have become an important source of EU law, consistently contributing to its evolutionary development and at the same time establishing, maintaining and strengthening of the legal order of the EU as a sui generis legal order, its autonomy.
Key words: EU law, Court of Justice of the European Union, Court of Justice, General Court, fundamental rights, EU judicial system, jurisdiction.
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