Ivanova Anastasiia

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),
181-191 p.

DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-181-191

Ivanova Anastasiia. Constitution of the Ukrainian People’s Republic : on history of creation.

The article reconstructs the process of preparing the Constitution of the Ukrainian Peo¬ple’s Republic in 1918. The author states that there are two commissions, one of which was of an organizational nature, and the other – worked directly on the elaboration of the text of the Constitution of the UPR. The article mentions several texts that are stored in the state archives of Ukraine, which allowed to study the evolution of the draft Constitution.

Thematically and chronologically, they are divided into two periods: 1) federal (till IV Universal on January 22, 1918) and 2) independent.

Also described is still unknown copy of the draft Constitution of 1918 with a manuscript edited by the well-known public and political figure Mykola Vasyliovych Levytski. This allowes to state about his participation in the work of the commission. Information is provided about participation in the commission of several previously unknown committee members.

Separately, the history of the preparation of the law on national-personal autonomy is considered, which the author regards as part of the Constitution of the UNR. The author ar¬gues that the authorship of the law, and, this part of the Constitution of the UNR, belongs to a separate commission consisting of representatives of the vice secretary for Jewish affairs chaired by Moses Zilberfarb.

It is noted that the Constitution’s project was submitted to the Central Rada as emergent, together with three other draft laws of a constitutional nature, of which only the Constitution was considered and adopted. The political and legal assessment of the Constitution is given as a document of the current, but high moral authority, as a constitutional point of view, an embodiment of the idea of a democratic system and a just legal state system.

Key words: The Statute of Autonomy of Ukraine, the Constitution of the UNR of 29 April 1918, the Statute on state governance, rights and freedoms of Ukraine, a Law on national personal autonomy.


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