Kukuruz O.

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),
458-464 p.

DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-458-464

Kukuruz O. Transformation processes in scientific approaches of Polish scientists.

The works of Polish scientists, which dealt with the transformation processes taking place in Poland after 1989, are analyzed in the article. Transformation in Poland is often described in the context of the post-communist (post-socialist) transformation, although attention is fo¬cused on its particular way. According to the author, Polish experience shows that for the suc¬cessful transformation such types and consistency are important – first of all, cultural trans¬formations, then political transformations and legal transformations, and only then economic transformations.

We can state that the transformation by Polish scientists is viewed through the prism of many theories and concepts, including: transition, social change, cultural trauma, and reason of state. Common approach to the study of transformation is processual approach. Transfor¬mation, as a rule, is perceived as a process of changing one state to another and is marked by such characteristics as duration and unpredictability. Attention is paid to certain types of transformation, in particular, the systemic, political, and constitutional.
Based on the work of Polish scientists, a model has been outlined for further research on the phenomenon of transformation. It is important for such an analysis: to find out which state of certain systems or society as a whole was at the beginning of transformation and which it became at a certain moment; determine the parameters for which it is necessary to compare these states; formulate questions that need to be answered; find out the positive and negative points of transformation; set the level of transformation efficiency.

Key words: transformation, system transformation, constitutional transformation, social change, discourse of trauma, concept of reason of state.


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