Kvasha O.

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),
335-343 p.

DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-335-343

Kvasha O. Judicial administration for judicial advice for appointment of penalties for non-expected personally serious crimes

In order to ensure human rights in Ukraine, the general principles of the imposition of a punishment and their observance are important when a court decree is issued. The principle of justice is conceptual in nature and is the foundation on which the current criminal law of Ukraine and the practice of sentencing should be based. The scientific instrument of domestic legal doctrine should include such a concept as “natural justice”. Observance of the principle of justice in the appointment of punishment stipulates the need to eliminate the legislative gap in the absence of the norms of the General Part of the Criminal Code to clearly regulate the upper limit of punishment for an unforeseen particularly serious crime, which provides for a sentence in the form of life imprisonment. Because by imposing a limit on the maximum penalty for a pending crime, the legislator, guided by the principles of justice and humanism, proceeded from the premise that there was less social danger of such a crime than the committed crime, and accordingly the inadmissibility of the same degree of severity of punishment for these types of crimes. The category of “crimes for which life imprisonment is foreseen” in the context of Art. 31, 348 of the CPC should include such crimes for which a punishment may be imposed in the form of life imprisonment, taking into account both the sanctions of articles of the Special Part of the Criminal Code and the provisions of the General Part of this Code. First of all, such an understanding is influenced by the fact that the court does not have a real opportunity to impose life imprisonment for an unlicensed particularly serious crime. Part 1 of Art. 384 CCP should be worded as follows: “The prosecutor, the court are obliged to explain to the accused the crime, for which the punishment in the form of life imprisonment may be imposed, the possibility and the peculiarities of consideration of a criminal proceeding against him by a jury trial”.

Key words: the principle of justice, the appointment of punishment, natural justice, positivism, natural law, unfinished particularly serious crime, life imprisonment, the right to a fair trial.


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