Malyshev O. O.

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),
200-209 p.

DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-200-209

Malyshev O. O. “Hadrian’s division” of treasure and the Archaeological law

The principle of “Hadrian’s division” refers to the reserved in the Institutes of Justinian manner of sharing the discovered treasure. The establishment of this principle is ascribed to the Roman emperor Hadrian (76–138). According to Hadrian any discovered treasure is to be shared equally between its inventor and the landowner. There are specific conditions depending on the differences in the form of landownership but the general principle of equal sharing tends to be kept in its original form.

At the same time, the tradition to declare the treasure exceptionally belonging to the public authority also can be traced to the ancient world. In spite of the multitude of sophistically designed theories based on the wealth and ambivalence of the source material which are preserved, many circumstances surrounding this question still remain unclear. The mentioned theories themselves are rather fragile. In this way, just a revision of dating of one poetic fragment of Calpurnius Siculus permitted to the Italian scholar P. Bonfante to revise, at the beginning of XX century, all the chronology of Roman legal means concerning the treasure.

Currently, the “Hadrian’s division” is implemented in the majority of effective civil codes based on Roman law but this provision often comes into conflict with administrative legislation governing the procedure for the casual archaeological finds. Said contradiction lies in the conceptual sphere. The Roman law as well as the engendered by its influence legal tradition estimate treasure primarily from the point of view of its property value. In this framework, the governmental attempts to legitimatize its claims on appropriation of treasure (whole or in part) are based on the same reason.

In the similar pattern, the contemporary Archaeological law of many countries often establishes an administrative procedure relating to the accidental discovery and appropriation of any archaeological find by the state or a similar public entity. However, the approach in the second case is based not on the property but on the scientific and cultural value of the object.

Key words: treasure, “Hadrian’s division”, Roman law, Archaeological law, treasure hunters.


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