Protsenko I.

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),
398-407 p.

DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-398-407

Protsenko I. The rights of foreigners as a component of the OSCE’s «human dimension»

The article emphasizes that the international community has not developed a special in¬ternational treaty that would regulate the rights and freedoms of foreigners. International le¬gal regulation in this sphere is carried out by extending to this category of individuals the fundamental rights and freedoms of the person with the definition of the peculiarities of their application. Indeed, the rights and freedoms of foreigners are more multifaceted and complex, which cannot be settled through a single document, is separated from human rights in general. Today, this way of legal regulation of the rights of foreigners is used both at the universal and regional levels, in particular, the OSCE human rights protection system, which, due to its insti¬tutional structure and regular multidimensional meetings, including on the issues of «human dimension», responds promptly to violations of human rights, including foreigners (primarily refugees, stateless persons, migrant workers) and thus demonstrates the real state of affairs in this area.

A general analysis of the OSCE documents on the «human dimension» has made it possi¬ble to identify groups of rights of foreigners who have found regulation in them, namely: rights arising from freedom of movement, establishing contacts between people and family reunifi¬cation, refugee rights, stateless persons and the rights of migrant workers. In addition, this analysis showed that, initially, freedom of movement was regulated in the OSCE documents in close connection with the establishment of contacts between people and family reunification, and only in the Vienna document 1989 it was established as the right of an individual. The regulation of the rights of refugees within the framework of the OSCE was formed on the basis of the causes of large flows of this group of individuals, the main among which were armed conflicts that took place in the territories of the states-participants of this international or¬ganization. Therefore, the OSCE paid great attention to the right of refugees to return to their state of origin and the rights that facilitated their reintegration. Labour migration was initially considered in the OSCE documents as a problem that should be addressed by interested States on the basis of the OSCE documents, but it was further recognized that the issue of migrant workers has a human dimension and can be raised within the framework of the Vienna and Moscow Human Dimension Mechanism.

Key words: rights of foreigners, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, OSCE human dimension.


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