Samoilenko O. O.

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),
192-199 p.

DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-192-199

Samoilenko O. O. The State Service of the Imperial Period as an object of study of modern Ukrainian scholars

The article gives a general overview of contemporary Ukrainian historiography on the organization and functioning of the civil service of the imperial period on Ukrainian lands. Different periods of creation and formation of civil service in Ukraine are highlighted in modern historiography with varying degrees of completeness. The largest number of works is dedicated to the modern period and this is evident. It is the changes in the political, economic and social life of the country that lead to the necessity of a constant reforming of the existing system of civil service. The level of state development mainly depends on the professionalism of civil servants. It is the state service that is the public instrument that ensures the stability of the state as an institution, determines the consistency and continuity in the implementing of state policy. For a long time, the lands of Ukraine were under the control of other states, so Ukraine did not create a system of civil service that was historically developed and established on its own traditions. When forming one’s own state institutions, it is necessary to use not only own experience, but also to borrow useful things and achievements from the neighbors. It is clear that the civil service was brought to Ukrainian lands for the purpose of convenient and effective management. The centralized system of Russian Empire management brought positive features to Ukrainian lands (legislative regulation, legal regulation of civil service, high level of organization, system continuity, pension provision, etc.) as well as negative features (corruption, bribery, dependence and insecurity of employees). Unfortunately, modern scientists have paid little attention to the imperial period, many aspects of historical experience in this field remain unexplored. Although there are several fundamental works and monographic researches, the topic requires further in–depth study for using historical experience in modern processes of civil service formation in Ukraine.

Key words: historiography, civil service, Russian empire, corruption, province, police, self-government.


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