Skrypniuk Î. V.

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),

DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-103-112

Skrypniuk Î. V. The constitution of the UPR 1918 and the contemporary constitutionalism

The article analyzes the origins of the formation and development of the newest Ukrainian constitutionalism in close connection with the state-building process in Ukraine at the ini¬tial stage of the Ukrainian National Revolution of 1917-1921years. The development of the constitutional process of this period and the influence on its evolution of the political situa¬tion associated with the adoption of fundamental state-building acts – I–IV Universals by the Ukrainian Central Rada - have been traced. The main stages of the work of the Constitutional Commission over the Constitution of the newly established Ukrainian state are revealed. A key turning point in the creation of the Constitution was the proclamation of the Ukrainian People’s Republic and its independence in January 1918. A sharp ideological struggle against the consolidation of the shape of the future Ukrainian state arose around the main provisions of the constitutional act, reflecting the alignment of political and class forces in the main state body – the Ukrainian Central Rada and society.

June 1917 – April 1918 – the birth of the Basic Law of Ukrainian statehood at the be¬ginning of the XX century. April 29, 1918 The draft Constitution of the Ukrainian People’s Republic was approved by the Small Council on the last day of its existence. The Constitution of the UPR did not come into force because of a coup d’état. But its development and adop¬tion have become an important milestone in the development of domestic constitutionalism. The Constitution of the UPR accumulated the best achievements of the national constitutional thought and advanced European standards at that time. The principles of the division of state power, the functioning of the developed institute of human and civil rights and freedoms, and the existence of the institution of local self-government were laid on the basis of the Constitu¬tion of the UPR. The main law of the UPR enshrined the system of government defined their main functions and powers. At the same time, the Constitution had serious shortcomings. The Constitution did not resolve one of the main issues of the revolution - the issue of ownership of land, did not consolidate the strategic directions of the implementation of the internal and foreign policy of the state; beyond the constitutional limits, there remained the problem of a clear definition of the territory of the UPR, its symbolism - coat of arms, anthem, flag, etc. At the same time, the Constitution of the Ukrainian People’s Republic is an outstanding monu¬ment of national state-building and domestic constitutionalism; its theoretical ideas have had a tremendous influence on the development of subsequent constitutional acts in Ukraine.

Key words: constitution, Ukrainian People’s Republic, human rights and freedoms, divi¬sion of state power, European standards.


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