Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 31 (2020), 154-161 p.
Bondaruk Tetiana Law and jurists in the historical and cultural process
The article attempts to consider the historical and legal process as part of the cultural process. At the same time, social (social) culture is defined as a common background. Culture appears as a fundamental foundation of the human world, synonymous with its «being», and some forms of culture - art, morality, education, religion, law, are recognized as peculiarities in the context of culture as a complex holistic system. The proposed vision of the study of the concept of «culture-law» determines the application of the method of socio-cultural determination, identifying as leading in explaining any phenomena of cultural factors studied. The main cultural-philosophical approaches are philosophical-anthropological, philosophical-historical, philosophical-axiological. G. Hofstede's cross-cultural methodology is analyzed, attention is paid to the specific characteristics of culture as determinants of the legal process; is considered as an important theoretical characteristic of Ukrainian culture category «boundary»; characterized by the phenomenon of mentality, which can be defined in general terms as an idea of psychological characteristics or «psychological equipment», which constitutes the integrity of the spiritual and mental life of a particular subject (person, community) in a particular cultural space and its correlation with mentality and identity; the focus is on ethnic mentality, attention is drawn to the urgent need to understand law as a culture. In this case, the «profile» of the jurist in one or another era can be considered as a starting point in the characterization of historical, legal and historical-cultural processes, which, given the approach proposed here, can give reasons to apply a generalized definition of «cultural-legal process».
Key words: culture, law, historical and legal process, historical and cultural process.
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