Pukhtinsky Mykola

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 33 (2022), 301-313 p.

DOI: 10.33663/1563-3349-2022-33-301-313

Pukhtinsky Mykola. Constitutional and legal aspects of institutional and legislatives upport for territorial governance reform

The current stage of transformation of the territorial organization of power, territorial governance requires a study of constitutional and legal issues of institutional and legislative support for structural and functional changes in the system of local public authority. In view of this, it is important to study the processes of renewal, innovative mechanisms of legal resource provision of reform, to identify problematic aspects of the legislative and executive bodies, ways to improve institutional and legislative support for territorial governance.

Institutional and legislative support of the territorial organization of public authority, territorial governance are essential elements of the implementation of good governance in the country. Therefore, their study in the constitutional and legal discourse is of great doctrinal interest.

The purpose and objectives of the study are constitutional and legal intelligence of the formation of eff ective mechanisms for institutional and legislative support of territorial governance.

Institutional support consists in creating the organizational basis of the transformation process, building its organizational structure and includes bodies that directly direct and coordinate the reform process. With the help of legislative support, a legal mechanism for the transformation of territorial governance is being formed. 

Legislative support is designed to legally regulate relations in the fi eld of transformation of territorial governance: reforming the territorial organization of public authority, the administrative-territorial structure of the country. It is carried out by various actors in the legislative process. It is expedient to think not only about the «municipal» legislative provision, ie the provision of local self-government, but also about the legislative support of the entire system of territorial government.

The formation of adequate legal and legislative support for territorial governance depends primarily on the eff ective work of parliament as a leader in constitutional and legal regulation of governance and territorial governance, inventory of current problems of constitutional and legal regulation of public authority and outlining the transformation of constitutional and legal regulation. in Ukraine.

The work on internal reform and increasing the institutional capacity of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine should be used in relation to the development and improvement of lawmaking in the fi eld of legislative support for the transformation of territorial governance.

Renewal of territorial governance has recently faced a number of challenges. It is worth listening to the warnings of experts on current problems of decentralization related to the subregional level of territorial government, lack of representation in rural self-government bodies due to politicization of the electoral system and devaluation of the old age, and attempts to introduce a new system of local government legislation. in the form of a draft of a new version of the law on local self-government, which may destroy the competence of the own and delegated powers of local selfgovernment bodies and the entire system of government in the state.

Further development legislative support of territorial governance is also associated with the adoption and implementation of the Law «On Lawmaking», enshrined in the principles of expediency and reasonableness; systematicity and complexity; scientific support – when the results of law-making activities should take into account the achievements of science in the fi eld in which legal regulation is carried out, including by involving representatives of scientifi c institutions and recognized specialists in relevant fi elds of science. In this sense, it is advisable to review traditional approaches to the legal provision of the municipal sphere, based on the postulates of good governance, to consider conceptual approaches to the development of new legislation on the principles of territorial governance of Ukraine.

Key words: constitution, institutional, legislative support of territorial governance, public authorities.


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