Usenko Igor

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 33 (2022), 256-272 p.

DOI: 10.33663/1563-3349-2022-33-256-272

Usenko Igor. Yevhen Terletsky – Ukrainian Lawyer and Revolutionary in the time mirror

Introduction. Yevhen Petrovich Terletsky is a man with an extremely interesting biography: under Russian autocracy – underground revolutionary, subsequently – a participant of the October events in Petrograd, chairman of the executive committee of the Poltava Council of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies, a delegate of the Constituent Assembly and the First All-Ukrainian Congress of Soviets, people’s secretary of agriculture in the fi rst Soviet government of Ukraine, one of the leaders of the Ukrainian party of left-wing esers - borbists, participant of a successful assassination attempt in 1918 on the commander-in-chief German troops in Ukraine G. Eichhorn, People’s Commissar of Justice of the Ukrainian SSR in 1919-1921, plenipotentiary representative of Ukraine in the Baltic States, listener of the Agrarian Institute of the Red Professor, theorist and practitioner of the cooperative movement and eventually a leading Soviet worker in the Voronezh region, convicted and shot in 1938 on falsifi ed charges. An in-depth study of the life path of Ye. P. Terletsky will enrich with new colors the traditional picture of the state-legal and socio-political development of the Ukraine.

The aim of the article. Clarifi cation of the Ukrainian period of the biography of the scientist, in which until now there were still a lot of lacunae, as well as fi nding out the composition and evaluation of his scientifi c heritage.

Results. In the context of the modern anthropological approach, new facts and assessments are off ered regarding the life path of the Ukrainian underground revolutionary, and later the Soviet statesman, lawyer, diplomat and agricultural economist Ye. P. Terletsky, repressed on groundless charges during stalinism. The article is characterized by detailed historiography, highlights its activities in revolutionary Poltava, in the Soviet underground and the People’s Commissariat of Justice, focuses on scientifi c works on collectivization problems.

Conclusion. The life destiny of Ye. P. Terletsky is extremely interesting and his creative achievements worthy of studying. Researchers have yet to return a number of this works to scientifi c circulation, to fi ll numerous gaps in the biography of the scientist.

Key words: Ukraine, jurisprudence, revolutionary movement, borbist party, Soviet power, victims of repression, Terletsky Ye. P., scientifi c biography.


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