Kostetska T.

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),
138-147 p.

DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-138-147

Kostetska T. About control in the information sphere in the context of decentralization of power

Some aspects of control in the information sphere are considering in the context of the reform of decentralization of power in Ukraine, which is determined as the main direction of development of our country in accordance with the Strategy of Sustainable Development «Ukraine-2020», approved by the Presidential Decree of January 12, 2015. The result of its implementation should be, including, creation of an effective, transparent, open and flexible structure of public administration using the latest information and communication technologies (e-government).

The attention is accenting on the existing problems of the realization of state information policy. The attention is paying to the peculiarities of its implementation at the local level, in particular, in the local self-government.

The practice of providing to the citizens, local population of various services through information and communication technologies is analyzing. (²CÒ).

It is noting that despite the latest program documents adopted at the highest state level, there are significant problems in the formation and implementation of the state information policy on their application. The implementation of ICT is slow. The result of it is, in particular, uneven public access to the information resources of the regions, structural subdivisions of local administrations, local government authorities, its low informational culture, etc.

Formation and implementation of information policy in a given algorithm requires the modernization of not only the central executive authorities, but also local authorities of public authority as subjects of state information policy, subjects of power authorities – managers of public information.

The main regulatory and legal manifestations of information policy at the local level are systematized (main directions of the state information policy, principles of information relations, etc.).

The attention is paying to the increasing interest of domestic scientists in information and communication aspects of the functioning of public relations, information activities of public authorities, importance of ICT in these processes as an organizational basis for building a Ukrainian information civil society.

At the same time, there is an insufficient theoretical and applied development of the stated issues, the absence in modern science of a comprehensive analysis of the constitutional and legal problems of control, control activities in the information sphere as a whole, and in the context of reforming public authority.

The purpose of the article was to examine the constitutional and legal aspects of the role and significance of control in the relevant processes and its functions as a factor in the formation of an effective mechanism for ensuring the open nature of the activities of public authorities, in particular local self-government.

It is emphasizing that the parameters of control and supervision activity in the modern period simulate the urgent tasks of information activity of the state, public authorities. These tasks caused not only by the challenges of globalization processes, but also by the acuteness of the current situation in the sphere of ensuring national security of Ukraine, protection of state sovereignty, constitutional rights and freedoms of the person and the citizen, other values.

The legal principles of control activity are analyzing.

Considerable attention, besides state control, is paying to the realization of public control, its significance, in particular, the realization of the information function of local self-government.

The prospects for further scientific research of the presented problems has planned.

Key words: decentralization, reformation. informative sphere, public informative policy, local government, control.


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