Levenets Borys

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),
507-513 p.

DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-507-513

Levenets Borys. The problem of distinguishing the stages of judicial enforcement

The purpose of the article is to analyze and generalize scientific views regarding the un¬derstanding of the stages of the judicial enforcement process. The formation of a civil society, the formation of a legal and democratic state, the real provision and guarantee of the rights and freedoms of a person is connected with the functioning of the judicial system. Effective and high-quality judicial enforcement determines the level of legal culture of public authorities, affects the state of law and order in society. In legal literature, the issue of judicial enforce¬ment involves a certain official process or with the final result. However, most scientists point out that the effectiveness of enforcement is determined by the division of the system of stages. Legislation traditionally distinguishes between three and eight stages of judicial enforcement. Analysis of the views of scientists, suggests that science has the same approach to under-standing the stages of judicial enforcement, despite the fact that their number and, sometimes, names differ. Most of the views are reduced to the fact that the most common three-stage system (the establishment of factual circumstances in the case; the choice and analysis of law, deci¬sion-making and its documentary design) should be complemented by another stage - the exe¬cution of a court decision. The law enforcement canʼt be completed until a decision is made on the case, because the purpose of the legal act will not be achieved. Situations where decisions are not followed are not so rare. After all, as a result of the implementation of the decision, entities can meet their needs and interests. Therefore, the process of law enforcement should logically be completed in such a way that in the future there was no doubt about the fairness of the decision made by the court. This is ensured by the functioning of the court control over the implementation of the decision. An important factor affecting the effectiveness of judicial enforcement is the strict observance by the judge of the basic rules, principles and stages of the enforcement process. Contemporary trends in the legal system, leading to the emergence of new stages of judicial enforcement, which include: 1) pre-trial stage (information about judicial protection of violated rights, provision of professional legal assistance, etc.); 2) es¬tablishment of the actual circumstances of the case (collection of necessary information on the case, study and analysis); 3) establishment of the legal basis of the case (selection and analysis of legal norms); 4) the decision of the case and documenting the decision made by the court; 5) court control over the implementation of the decision.

Key words: stages of judicial enforcement, judicial proceedings, judicial protection, pre-trial stage, court control over the execution of a decision.


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