Makarenko L. Î.

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),
67-76 p.

DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-67-76

Makarenko L. Î. The National Dominant in the Legal Culture

The article is devoted to the concept of «national legal culture» which is examined in different aspects, mainly in the context of globalization and dialogue of cultures, but a clear understanding of it still does and it often confused the concepts of «national culture», «legal culture», «legal system».

It is proved that the existence of the essential connection of law with the state, and through it – with such categories as «society», «people», «nation», and that the most important legal category of «subject of law» in modern society there is not a specific law, out of the centralized system of social relations, which organize the state, that is, outside the state organisation of society (people, nation).

Noted that the category of subject of law is the determining factor of legal culture without active participation in its creation and development of legal culture impossible. However, this active participation is not otherwise in a particular organized by the government of law and order. Society organized in the state, serves as the most important factor of the existence of a legal culture, which, through entities exercises a decisive influence on its development as a national legal culture.

The proposed concept of a national legal culture as a set of legal values, established in the state organized society to the activities of the subjects of law, characterizes as a progressive legal development of the society and determines the development of its legal system, legal institutions and legal culturality its members.

It is concluded that the determining factors of the development of national legal culture are, on the one hand, the state as a subject of rights, and on the other hand, a society organized by government under the relevant order. Therefore, the existing state and the process of development of national legal culture, its influence on the legal system and its legal institutions on the development legal culturality members of this society, and the impact on other legal cultures in the process of interaction with them depends on the relations «society-state» in each particular historical period. From the nature of this relationship depends on the politics and political culture, legal policy and legal technique, law and order in her state of legal education of the population, it legal culturality finally, the status and trends of development of national legal culture.

Key words: legal system, national legal system, national culture, legal culture, national legal culture, legal mentality.


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