Malysheva Nataliia

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),
218-229 p.

DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-218-229

Malysheva Nataliia. Remote sensing of the Earth from outer space is not only a tech¬nical problem

The end of the 70’s - the first half of the 80’s of the XXth century when Principles Relating to Remote Sensing of the Earth from Outer Space were developed and adopted, was the period when the regulation of a new sphere of space activities - remote sensing, was optimally regulated by the instrument of “soft law’. There were many objective reasons for this analyzed in the present article. In the basic of modern theories of space law, the norms and principles of international space law and national space legislation relating to remote sensing of the Earth from space, regional and bilateral agreements between sensed and sensing states, as well as in base of practice of their application, the actual situation in the field of remote sensing legal regime was investigated in this article. The problems arising from the implication of the remote sensing activities have been identified. Among them – the problems linked to the development of space services by private entities, the commercial use of space images. Here there are important problems of legal protection of commercial remote sensing data; issues related to the use of high-resolution satellites for commercial purposes; the prospects of legal regulation of the operation of private commercial remote sensing systems from outer space, especially since all the international legal regulation of the relevant relations is currently addressed only to States.

Proposals for solving those problems are given. It is proved that the time to move toward the elaboration of the UN Convention on the Remote Sensing of Earth from Outer Space has come. But as intermediate stage in solving this long-standing problem, one could go the way to provide an expanded doctrinal interpretation of the Principles of 1986, which should be adopted by the relevant resolution of the UN General Assembly.

At the same time, in today’s conditions, when there are no binding norms and principles on remote sensing, the rules of national legislation play a crucial role. Regarding Ukraine, it is considered the most adapted form of consolidation of such relations in the basic Law of Ukraine “On Space Activities”, the adoption of revised new redaction of which it is urgent.

Key words: remote sensing of the Earth from outer space, international space law, national space legislation, Principles relating to remote sensing of the Earth from Outer Space,, observation of natural resources.


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