Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),
368-374 p.
DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-368-374
Nersesian Armen. Theoretical Aspects of Procedural Liability in Criminal Justice
In the article the author considers problematic issues of application of the Ukrainian criminal procedural legislation in the context of preventing and counteracting violations of the law provisions. It has been determined that any criminal procedural activity should be an example of compliance with the law so that any evidence collected by the parties avoids the signs of “poisonous tree fruit” and was not subsequently recognized by the court inadmissible.
As an effective tool for counteracting such a violation, criminal procedural liability has been identified. The grounds for the procedural responsibility of the authorities (the parties to the charge) are the non-compliance with them of the regulations and procedures established by the criminal procedural law of Ukraine, and non-vested (the party of defense) - a direct violation of the regulations and norms of the current Ukrainian legislation.
Criminal procedural liability is a form of state coercion, which is to apply disciplinary, financial and other restrictions to the participants in criminal proceedings in the event of non-compliance with them norms and regulations of the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine. Along with the criminal procedural liability for such a breach may be civil, administrative and criminal liability.Criminal proceedings in Ukraine are in the primordial condition and in fact apply only to those who do not have the powers of the state (individuals involved in criminal proceedings in one or another procedural status, usually outside their own will). At the same time, the establishment of such liability is an urgent need in view of the need to respect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of participants in criminal proceedings.
The author proposes to fix in Section III “Pre-trial investigation” of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine chapter 26-1 “Criminal procedural offense and responsibility for its commission.”
Key words: procedural rights, judicial protection, criminal proceedings, pre-trial investigation, legal liability.
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