Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),
29-34 p.
DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-29-35
Parkchomenko N. M. Theoretical and practical background of legal regulation in the modern Ukraine
The major theoretical and practical problems of legal regulation of public relations in Ukraine at the current stage of development are determined. These problems are related to the need to address national and international political issues. Special reference is made to the number of existing factors that directly or indirectly affect content, pace, quality and efficiency of transformations in Ukraine. One of the principal factors is either the lack of scientific basis and scientific support or the disregard for the scientific soundness principle.
Consequently, the foundation of any transformations in the domain of state and law creation is a legal reform in general and constitutional reform in particular.
In this, continuous development of public relations requires the appropriate improvement not only separate elements of legal system but improvement of all the elements of social, economic and political systems. Furthermore, one of the key factors of reform’s efficiency is consistency and also complexity of the reform’s realization, harmonized legal regulation which will provide a stable link between them, creating an integrated whole thus creating awaited results.
First of all, the legislative process requires scientific support because quality assessment of current Ukrainian legislation, demonstrates the necessity of its continuous development. Also the important thing is taking into account all the factors of legislation’s evolution which can be divided on economic, social, political, legal, ideologic, cultural and other factors.
It is pointed out that effective legal regulation and reforming of the government system including legal reform depends on their scientific basis. In this regard, among the current problems in the area of law at the current stage some of them should be allocated: understanding the substance and content of law, constitutional proceedings, non-execution of judgments and access to justice, ensuring human and civil rights and freedoms, ensuring national sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, improvement of judicial authority, the substance and content of civil society institutions, modernization of legal responsibility institution.
Thus, so far and for the entire period of Ukraine’s independence, a number of extremely complex challenges to science were contributed for the purpose of methodological support of the state and law making processes.
Key words: legal regulation, reform, realization of law, scientific basis, legal science.
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