Plavic V. P.

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),
425-434 p.

DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-425-434

Plavic V. P. Systemic application of international law in the internal (national) legal order of Ukraine.

brain drain of a skilled workers. There is a growing tendency towards the removal of restrictions by developed countries on the entry of promising, economically profitable foreigners, which, in turn, makes immigration even more attractive even without considering the socio-economic situation in the country.

At the same time, the EU imposes stricter restrictions on illegal migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and constantly improve border control technologies that transform neighboring countries into camp for such individuals. Accordingly, Ukraine should also strengthen the protection of its borders in order to minimize the number of illegal immigrants.

The conflictual potential of migration processes depends to a large extent on state information policy: the lack of reliable information on the number of migrants and their status has contributed to an increase in anti-immigration attitudes in the EU Member States, especially those who have joined recently and have a low income per capita. In the EU the concept of immigrant integration was developed on the basis of structural and functional assumptions that they represent an alien element requiring adaptation and communication with a society with well-defined boundaries, a holistic cultural system, etc. However, migration processes have also changed the society, which hosted aliens, making it more fluid and heterogeneous. Such changes are imposed on other factors, such as the diminution of the role of valuable cultural systems and traditional institutions essential for maintaining social order and cohesion, and therefore the need to develop a new methodological tool that takes into account the growing diversity of migrants’ recipient countries and change is obvious and urgent the priorities of the latter.

Key words: migration policy, integration, legislation, multiculturalism.


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