Zaichuk O.

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 30 (2019),
119-126 p.

DOI: 10.33663/0869-2491-2019-30-119-126

Zaichuk O. The problems of obtaining, loss, deprivation of citizenship in the Ukrainian People’s Republic (UNR) and Western Ukranian People’s Republic (ZUNR)

The problems of acquiring, loss, deprivation of citizenship in the Ukrainian People’s Republic (UPR) at all stages of its eating are considered.

The main normative legal acts of the UPR are analyzed. Namely: «Statute on the State Order, Rights and Freedoms of the UPR» (Constitution of the UNR) of April 29, 1918; «Law on the Citizenship of the Ukrainian People’s Republic» dated March 2, 1918; «Law on the registration of citizenship of the Ukrainian People’s Republic» dated March 4, 1918

In accordance with the Law “On the exclusive right of the Central Council to issue leg¬islative acts of the UPR” of November 25, 1917, all laws and regulations that were valid in the territory of the UNR before October 27, 1917, and which were not changed or canceled by the Ukrainian Central Rada, had power in the future as laws and regulations of the Ukrainian People’s Republic.

The right to issue orders based on the laws belonged to the general secretaries of the Ukrainian People’s Republic. Until the publication of such orders remained in force orders  of the Russian government, which were issued before October 27, 1917, since they were not altered or canceled by the Ukrainian Central Rada and the General Secretariat.

Since the legal status of an absolute majority of the population of the UNR on October 27, 1917 was determined by the old legislation of the Russian Empire, then there was a situation where within the UNR the old laws and the new legislation of the Ukrainian People’s Republic were in force simultaneously.

After the unification of the West Ukrainian People’s Republic with the Ukrainian People’s Republic in January 1919, in the territory of the Western region of the UNR, the legal acts that were in force on January 22, 1919 were in force on the territory of the ZNPR. That is, the UNR, after joining the ZUNR, actually had all the signs of confederation.

The legal status of the population of the ZUNR from the previous nationality, as estab¬lished by the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, is changed to the republican citizenship.

Key words: Ukrainian People’s Republic (UNR), West-Ukrainian People’s Republic (ZUNR), the right to citizenship (obtaining, loss, deprivation), especially on the territory of ZUNR.


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2. Ukrainska Tsentralna Rada. Dokumenty i materialy: u 2 t.- Tom 1: 4 bereznia – 9 hrudnia 1917 r. S. 447.

3. Konstytutsiini akty Ukrainy 1917–1920: nevidomi konstytutsii Ukrainy. D.B. Yanevskyi, V.I. Kriukov; nauk. red. i upor.: Yu.D. Pryliuk, V.F. Zhmyr. Kyiv, 1992. 337 s.

4. Konstytutsiini akty Ukrainy 1917-1920: nevidomi konstytutsii Ukrainy. D.B. Yanevskyi, V.I. Kriukov; nauk. red. i upor.: Yu.D. Pryliuk, V.F. Zhmyr. Kyiv, 1992. 269 s.

5. Zakhidno-Ukrainska Narodna Respublika 1918–1923. Dokumenty i materialy. Tom 2. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2003. S . 335.

6. Zakhidno – Ukrainska Narodna Respublika 1918–1923. Dokumenty i materialy. Tom 2. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2003. S. 336.

7. Ibid.

8. Ibid.

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