Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 31 (2020), 236-249 p.
Batanova Nataliya. Functions of constitutional and legal responsibility: methodological problems of research
The article considers the problems of the theory of functions of constitutional and legal responsibility. The characteristic features of the functions of constitutional and legal responsibility are analyzed. It substantiates the correlation and relationship between the functions of constitutional and legal responsibility and the functions of the Constitution, the functions of constitutional law, the functions of the state, etc.
It is proved that the functions of constitutional and legal responsibility are characterized by legal features that reveal the essence and content of this category, in particular: 1) express the nature and content of this type of legal responsibility, its purpose in society and the state, as well as its place in the system of protection of the Constitution and constitutional order; 2) interrelated with the main functions of the state; 3) is an active way of acting of constitutional and legal responsibility and constitutional law as a whole (its principles, tasks, functions); 4) having an objective nature, on the one hand, is a form of purposeful willful behavior or activity of the subjects of constitutional liability and constitutional law in general (subjects of instances of constitutional responsibility and subjects of violators of constitutional law and order (delinquents)), and, on the other hand, the system of legal states that give rise to the constitutional rights and obligations of participants in constitutional-controversial and constitutional-conflict relations; 5) directly related to the system of constitutional law institutions (people, state, elections and referendums, bodies and officials of state power and local self-government, people and citizens, territorial hromadas, political parties, etc.); 6) are in synergy with the sources of constitutional law as a branch of law (above all the Constitution and its functions); 7) directly affect the constitutional and legal relations (first of all, constitutionally-controversial and constitutional-conflict) and their properties, subject-object composition, constitutional legal facts; 8)are organically related to the functions of constitutional law as a legal science and academic discipline and the like, etc.
The definition of the concept of the functions of constitutional legal responsibility as the main normative and organizationally secured areas and types of its influence on the constitutional and legal relations with the purpose of protection of the Constitution, restoration of the constitutional order and proper fulfillment of tasks, functions and powers of the subjects of these relations, constitutional disputes between them and overcoming constitutional conflicts is formulated.
Key words: constitutional and legal responsibility; functions of constitutional and legal responsibility; functions of constitutional law; constitutional conflict; constitutional order.
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