Kozlyuk L.G. 

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 31 (2020), 417-424 p.

Kozlyuk L.G. The Importance of Studying Issues Related to the Identity of the Perpetrator from the View of Socio-naturalistic Criminology

The article is noted to the importance of studying issues related to the identity of the perpetrator from the view of socio-naturalistic criminology.

It is emphasized that successful opposition to criminality is possible with a careful study of the identity of the perpetrator, since it is a kind of center that gives the opportunity to "work" the mechanism of criminal behavior. Therefore, all the factors that, to one degree or another, make it possible to implement such a mechanism need serious consideration.

Without the use of the most effective methodological tool in the process of investigating the identity of the perpetrator, it is impossible to determine the causes and conditions of crime, and accordingly to find effective measures to counter it. In this regard, the methodological toolkit by which criminology is applied.

The purpose of this study is to determine the perspective of knowing the identity of the perpetrator from the view of socio-naturalistic criminology.

The study was carried out on a new progressive criminological doctrine based on the principle of social naturalism and showed that an effective mechanism of generating crime may be a socio-biological approach, provided the knowledge of the roles and limits of the action of social and biological factors in the structure of man.

It is proved that understanding the identity of the offender and the properties inherent in him from the view of socio-naturalistic criminology, gives the opportunity to answer the age-old questions that interest criminologists: why a person commits a crime? And why does a person commit such a crime?

It is substantiated that the study of the offender's personality from the point of view of socio-natural criminology is of great scientific and practical importance, since it allows distinguishing criminals from other people and clearly separating the causes and conditions of crime.

The study of to the identity of the perpetrator from the view of socio-naturalistic criminology (criminology based on the principle of social naturalism), provides an opportunity to adequately solve the problems that arise in the field of combating crime and, thus, to ensure law and order and social progress in Ukraine.

It is noted that the study of the identity of the perpetrator from the view of socio-naturalistic criminology does not lead to offsetting the achievements of different approaches to the study of the offender, which take place in criminology, on the contrary, such study, enriches the theory and practice of combating crime and helps to solve complex problems. In particular, the ratio of social and biological in the mechanism of crime; study of the properties of a person who influence the choice of a criminal act; causes and conditions of crime.

A high crime rate is an indicator of the need to find new ways to solve problems related to the study of the offender's personality. Today, the study of the offender's personality from the view of the social-naturalistic doctrine solves the urgent criminological need for new methodological tools that are necessary in the study of the offender's personality. Therefore, this study attempts to show a promising methodologically new approach to the study of the identity of the perpetrator in criminology. Therefore, the problem of effective research on the identity of the perpetrator is crucial in criminology because its solution is a prerequisite for the successful counteraction of crime in our country.

Key words: the identity of the perpetrator, socio-naturalistic criminology, opposition to criminality, mechanism of criminality creations, structure of the criminal, complex of arbitrariness and illusions, will and consciousness of the person.


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