Krasilich Nataliia

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 31 (2020), 271-279 p.

Krasilich Nataliia. Some environmental and legal aspects of the development of the information society in Ukraine

The article discusses certain issues of the use of geographic information technologies in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources in Ukraine as one of the directions of the development of the information society.

The use of geoinformation technologies is essential for land reform, inventory formation of natural resources, real estate, geoinformation support for navigation corridors, environmental monitoring, integration into international structures and the global international information space. Modern geoinformation resources are created as a result of the use of the latest high technologies and have a multi-sectoral origin, multi-purpose and multi-sectoral application.

One way to ensure the rational use of natural resources and the environment is to use geoinformation technologies. Modern geoinformation resources are created as a result of the use of the latest high technologies, including remote sensing of the earth, digital photogrammetry, GPS-measurement, use of databases and information computer networks, are of multi-sector origin, multi-purpose and multi-sector application. In particular, they are important for land reform, inventory formation of natural resources, real estate, geoinformation support for navigation corridors of transport, environmental monitoring, integration into international structures and global international information space.

The article analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of existing natural resource inventories in Ukraine, which makes it possible to conclude that state natural cadastres are the basis on which the national geospatial data infrastructure should be created. The necessity of modernization of the system of natural resources cadastres is substantiated, which should become a multi-purpose system of accounting, management and maintenance of the proper state of the environment and the rational use of natural resources for the sustainable development of the country. This will: eliminate the duplication of work on the collection and registration of geospatial data; ensure compatibility of data from different suppliers; remove unreasonable barriers and restrictions on information interaction between data providers and consumers; promote the monitoring of natural resources and the environment; promote the creation of a national system of technical regulations and standards harmonized with international standards, which integrates Ukraine into the process of building a European geospatial data infrastructure; ensure equal and open access of consumers to geospatial data.

Such a cadastral system should be integrated with the databases of other information registers. It is advisable to create natural inventories based on the use of European standards, in particular the INSPIRE - EU Spatial Information Infrastructure Directive, multidisciplinary data for environmental policy, to improve the environment, to prevent the negative effects of environmental problems.

Key words: geospatial data, geoinformation technologies, cadastres of natural resources, cadastral system.


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