Samoilenko Elena

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 31 (2020), 171-179 p.

Samoilenko Elena. Halperin-Ginsburg Elena – the fate of a woman-lawyer in the context of the era

Introduction. There are discussed issues of women's access to law. At the time of the Judicial Reform in the Russian Empire in 1864, a Bar was established. Previously, there was no full-fledged institute of judicial protection because of the inquisitive nature of domestic justice. However, in practice, civil service and access to the judiciary, as well as higher legal education, were still closed to women. It was only after the first Russian revolution of 1905–1907 that the question of women's right to be engaged in professional legal activity was considered. They were allowed to higher education. Attempts to pursue a law degree have been made before. So, some Russian women graduated from foreign law departments and came to Russia to get a job in the profession. Despite the fact that diplomas of foreign universities did not equate to the certificates of Russian higher education institutions, they gave the right to take the state exam for the full course of the relevant Russian educational institution. The right of women to practice law became statutory on 1 June 1917. The Provisional Government issued a resolution "On admission of women to court cases", finally having put an end to all disputes and allowed women to fully join the legal community.

The aim of the article is to cover the little-known biography of one of the first Ukrainian women lawyers, Elena Halperin-Ginsburg.

Results. The article deals with the life and creative activity of one of the first Ukrainian women lawyers, Ginsburg Elena Abramivna. There is given a general overview of the scientific, educational and journalistic activity of Elena. Among other things, the focus is on its activities in Kyiv. Elena has collaborated on various issues of criminal law with such publications as the "Journal of the Ministry of Justice", "Journal of Criminal Law and Procedure". In the period from 1909 to 1916, she actively published her works in the largest circulation provincial newspaper of the Russian Empire of his time, “Kievskaya Mysl’" On the pages of the periodicals, Elena highlights the most pressing and acute issues of social life. In Kyiv, she organizes a patronage for prisoners, participates in the League for the Protection of Childhood and drafts its statute. She initiated the creation of a juvenile court in 1914 in Kyiv. She actively works at the Kyiv Women's Public Assembly, lectures at the People's House.

Key words: E. Halperin-Ginsburg, women lawyers, attorneys-at-law, Judicial Reform of 1864, jurisprudence, lawyer.


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