Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 33 (2022), 174-185 p.
DOI: 10.33663/1563-3349-2022-33-174-185
Lvîvà O. Legal doctrine: axiological dimension
Introduction. The question of the nature of scientifi c doctrine and its signifi cance in the legal fi eld needs to be reconsidered in view of the standards that have become fundamental to the development of democracies and the idea of human rights and freedoms. Legal scholars must critically rethink the work of the previous period, suggest new approaches to solving current problems and ways to solve them. Such a rethinking at the scientifi c level should be transformed into a specifi c legal doctrine that will fi ll the legal norm with new values.
The purpose of the article. Ànalysis of the axiological aspect of legal doctrine, which can be a connecting point in terms of its content and law enforcement and law enforcement purposes.
Issues of legal and illegal restrictions are studied. Since legal doctrine has axiological features in its content, it is possible to trace their manifestation by comparing the opposite regimes under which legal doctrines were formed. In particular, the reality of the Soviet era denied the right as an independent social and regulatory regulator. With the collapse of the USSR there was a sharp change in the subject of scientific research in the fi eld of law, new methodological directions are formed, scientific schools are updated, scientifi c legal doctrines of already free, democratic Ukraine are formulated.
Renewal of the legal doctrine of already independent science contributed to the constitutional approval of new, progressive values, including - man as the highest social value, its inalienable natural rights, the principle of the rule of law, justice and more. There is also a distinction between the understanding of law and law. Thus, doctrine is the key to understanding yesterday’s and today’s perception of law. It is the basis of legal analogies and concepts, institutions and norms, which logically combines and directs in the appropriate social direction in order to preserve and affi rm fundamental legal values. Value imbalances will lead to crises both in society as a whole and in the sphere in which certain values are leveled, and this is often due to the notion of what is moral or immoral, and often such criteria become fundamental in determining social values, legal doctrines and, accordingly, legal law.
Based on the analysis of the relationship and interaction of scientifi c doctrine, legal understanding and lawmaking, it is noted that common to all this is a holistic axiological approach. Scientifi c doctrine transforms the eff ect of law and its value content into a specifi c legal document. At one time, such ideals were embodied, for example, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Conclusions. Thus, the doctrine becomes the basis for the creation of quality law, which gives lawmaking and law enforcement activities, as well as legislation, axiological content. On the one hand, the doctrine is a years-old theoretical basis for lawmaking; on the other, it objectifi es the results of scientifi c research in the form of fundamental legal ideas and concepts.
Key words: axiology of law, rule of law, law, law, legal doctrine, lawmaking.
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