Skrypniuk O.V.

Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava” Volume 33 (2022), 102-113 p.

DOI: 10.33663/1563-3349-2022-33-102-113

Skrypniuk O.V. Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and international law

The main international legal directions of counteraction to aggression of the Russian Federation in connection with the large-scale invasion of Ukraine and the outbreak of war have been determined and characterized. Among them: countering Russian aggression in the General Assembly and the UN Security Council, in the International Court of Justice, with the help of instruments of the European Court of Human Rights. The issue of criminal prosecution for the most serious international crimes committed as a result of Russian aggression on the territory of Ukraine, as well as cooperation with the EU in order to obtain the status of a candidate for accession and a full member of the European Union are analyzed separately.

As a result, the ineffi ciency of the universal system of peacekeeping and security within the UN was emphasized, which does not exclude the use of the entire list of instruments provided by modern international law to protect Ukraine. Nevertheless, the issue of fi nding the contours of the new international law is becoming increasingly relevant.

Key words: aggression, fi nancial, European Union, UN, humanitarian aid, Court, Human Rights, states, international and European organizations.

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