About Using of Ukrainian Legal Terminology in official office work in West Ukrainian Lands

Kalenyuk O. M. About Using of Ukrainian Legal Terminology in official office work in West Ukrainian Lands in the End of the ХІХ – at the Beginning of ХХ Century

The work highlights the using of Ukrainian legal terminology in state bodies and legal proceedings in West Ukrainian lands in the End of the ХІХ – at the Beginning of ХХ century.

It is analyzed the regulations of the Austrian government, which determined the legal status of the Ukrainian language in the above-mentioned period.

The wave of the national revolutions in Europe in the middle of ХІХ century cavered also the Austrian Empire. Thus, the revolution of 1848 led to a lengthy liberation struggle of the Hungarian people for their political and civil, including language rights. Consequently, the imperial government was forced to create the contrast Hungarian influences and expand language rights for Slavic peoples in education, culture, science and such as.

This issue is devoted to a great number of scientific works, which authors were lawyers, linguists, public figures. They represented well-known Ukrainian and Polish scientific schools and lived meanwhile in the only state – Austria (since 1867 – Austria-Hungary). About organization and using by Austrian office paperwork of the Ukrainian language in government, in the legal profession and the judiciary wrote well-known Ukrainian lawyers K. Levitsky, M. Zderkovskyy, S. Dnistryansky, Y. Semyhynivskyy, V. Levitsky and others.

The purpose of writing of this article is to examine the legal orders of archival documentary sources, historical and legal literature, in order to investigate the organization of office paperwork in Galicia in government and the judiciary and thus use legal terminology in the above-mentioned period.

The article also investigates all changes in the organization of the judiciary, which took place in Eastern Galicia in the specified time period. By reforming of the legal system the Austrian government has not left unattended and language issue. The Court was required to keep records of admissions in Ukrainian side, if it was the mother language of the plaintiff or the defendant. The lawyers also had the right to use the Ukrainian language in the trial, if it was the mother language for process’ side. Ukrainians also were free to use the Ukrainian language (oral and writing) in state, administrative and judicial bodies.

Best idea of the real of Ukrainian legal terminology applied by Galician lawyers in the End of the ХІХ – at the Beginning of ХХ century was found from the literary work of Ivan Franko «Cross-path», which is considered as one of the most important sources of Galician legal terminology of that time period.

As you know Ukrainian lawyers provided to Ukrainian Galician practical advices for legal protection of language rights.

Despite a rather difficult situation Galician intellectuals could use orders, rulings and regulations of the Austrian government for wider application of the Ukrainian language in the state and public bodies, schools, courts and etc.

Key words: Ukrainian legal terminology, office work, state bodies, legal proceedings, lawyer’s practice, West Ukrainian lands, right of language, government language, region language.

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