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Ïðàâîâà äåðæàâà. Âèïóñê 25 (2014)
Ïðàâîâà äåðæàâà. Âèïóñê 26 (2015)
Ïðàâîâà äåðæàâà. Âèïóñê 27 (2016)
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Ïðàâîâà äåðæàâà. Âèïóñê 29 (2018)
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Ïðàâîâà äåðæàâà. Âèïóñê 31 (2020)
Ïðàâîâà äåðæàâà. Âèïóñê 32 (2021)
Ïðàâîâà äåðæàâà. Âèïóñê 33 (2022)
Ïðàâîâà äåðæàâà. Âèïóñê 34 (2023)
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Ïðàâîâà äåðæàâà. Âèïóñê 26 (2015)
Ïðàâîâà äåðæàâà. Âèïóñê 27 (2016)
Ïðàâîâà äåðæàâà. Âèïóñê 28 (2017)
Ïðàâîâà äåðæàâà. Âèïóñê 29 (2018)
Ïðàâîâà äåðæàâà. Âèïóñê 30 (2019)
Ïðàâîâà äåðæàâà. Âèïóñê 31 (2020)
Ïðàâîâà äåðæàâà. Âèïóñê 32 (2021)
Ïðàâîâà äåðæàâà. Âèïóñê 33 (2022)
Ïðàâîâà äåðæàâà. Âèïóñê 34 (2023)
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Pravova derzhava. Volume 32 (2021)
Shemshuchenko Yurii, Skrypniuk Oleksandr. Independence of Ukraine in 1991:
a retrospective of the factor of proclamation and the initial stage of state sovereignation……...……...……..3
Denysov Volodymyr. V.M.Koretsky at the United Nations. Codification and
Progressive Development of International Law (To the 130th Anniversary of his Birth………............………13
Section 1.
The problems of the theory of state and law
Onishchenko Natalia. Modern reforms: legal component………………………………………...............................41
Parkhomenko Natalia. Judicial doctrine in the legal system of the world…………………......................……..48
Bobrovnyk Svetlana. Legal Compromise in Aspect Socialization Processes………………….............…..........58
Tarakhonych Tetiana. The Doctrine of Legal Regulation: Approaches to Understanding……...................65
Boginich Oleh. State responsibility to civil society: some questions of theory………………….....................73
Lvova Olena. Limitation of human rights: concept and content……………………………………….......................81
Sunegin Sergiy. Legal science: development problems in the context of modern
value and ideological realities………………........……………………………………................................................88
Vasetsky Viacheslav. The origins of human rights legal doctrine: the influence of
global historical events…………………………………………....................………….............................................99
Section 2.
History of state and law. History of legal science
Bondaruk Tetiana. Historical and legal discourse in the context of classical and postclassical legal understanding………………………………………………………………………………………………........................................106
Samoilenko Îlena. Serhiy Zarudny: Reflections on the Anniversary…………………………….......................112
Usenko Igor. Viktor Novytsky: an attempt at a scientific biography…………………….....................………….119
Muzyka Iryna. State activity and legal credo of Mykola Skrypnyk………………......................…………………131
Ivanova Anastasiia. Legal Nature of the “Veto” in Ukraine and the World:
historical and comparative essay………………………….....................…..................................................142
Rominskyi Yevhen. International treaties in the historical and legal reality of Old Rus:
an axiological approach………………………………………………..………………..............................................…….152
Khudoiar Lesia. Ukrainian legal space of the Cossack-Hetman era: concepts, forms, kinds……...........158
Malyshev Oleksandr. Theodoric the Great’s Legislation on Protection of Monuments
and the Significance of the Ostrogothic Renaissance in the Context of Heritage Law History…........……166
Section 3.
The problems of constitutional law and local government
Onishchuk Mykola, Samofal Maryna. Declaring the act unconstitutional
and extraordinary review of the court decision: problems of law enforcement…………....................……179
Batanov Olexandr. Axioconceptosphere of modern unitarism in Ukraine…………………......................……191
Antonov Volodymyr. Ukraine’s national security strategy in modern conditions:
tasks and implementation problems……………………………………………………………………………...............…………..202
Skrypniuk Oleksandr. Democracy and the political regime and the
role of law in efficient functioning of democratic institutions…………………………………………....................…211
Pukhtynskyi Mykola. Transformation of governance in Ukraine in the
constitutional and legal discourse…………………………………………………………………………………………......…………….219
Kostetska Tetiana. Current problems of decentralization of public power in Ukraine:
the information and communication aspects……………………………………………………….....................……………227
Batanova Nataliya. Constitutional and legal responsibility of the President of Ukraine:
problems of conceptualization and institutionalization……………………………………….........................……….236
Section 4.
The urgent problems of environmental and land law
Malysheva Nataliia. Cybersecurity of space activities and the possibility of ensuring
it by means of international law……………………………………………………………......................…………………………245
Kulynych Pavlo. Digitalization of land relations and law in Ukraine:
methodological and theoretical aspects……………………………………………………………………………..……………………257
Krasilich Nataliia. Legal problems of insurance protection against cyber risks in space activities.....….268
Polivodskyy Oleksandr. Digital form of contracts: perspectives of
implementation in sphere of Land rights and other Real Estate…………………………......................…………276
Hurova Anna, Kirpachova Maria. State regulation of space activity by using Blockchain…..............…..288
Section 5.
The problems of civil, labor law and social rights
Babaskin Anatoliy. Legal nature of the requirements of the banking
legislation of Ukraine to ensure credit operations of banks………..............................................……….297
Hennadii Tymchenko. European standards in the field of civil proceedings:
scientific problem formulation………………………………………………………………………….................…………………….305
Simutina Yana. Labour law defects and means of overcoming them…………………….......................………314
Shumylo Mykhailo. Judicial assistant: current state of legal regulation and review of court practice....323
Venetska Maryna. Terms of fulfillment of the contractual obligation: law enforcement problems…….....330
Sevryukova Inna. Problems of the definition and characteristics of the contractual
basis for the limitation and encumbrance of ownership of real estate in Ukraine...............................341
Trunova Halyna. Out-of-court protection of citizens' rights in the field of social insurance................…349
Section 6.
The problems of admi
nistrative law and public administration
Andriiko Olha. Institutional insufficiency as a phenomenon of administrative and legal regulation……...357
Tymoshchuk Viktor. On decentralization of powers to provide administrative services……………............366
Derets V.A. Legal consolidation of coordination relations between local state administrations
and territorial bodies of central executive authorities (according to the bill on local
state administrations)..............................................................................................................377
Banchuk Oleksandr. The concept of administrative control and supervision:
Ukrainian experience and European approaches…………………………………………….............………………………….385
Section 7.
The problems of the criminal law and the criminal procedure
Kvasha Oksana. Improvement of legislation in the field of countering
organized forms of crime: illusions and reality…...........................................................................394
Kubalskyi Vladyslav. Criminal responsibility for public appeals to committing
crimes against national safety in foreign legislation…………………………………………….......……………………………403
Kozliuk Liudmyla. Perpetrator's identity – central issue of modern criminology
(Some Aspects in the Context of Opposing Criminality)………………………………...............…………………………411
Landina Anna. Features of criminal liability of persons with mental anomalies: foreign experience…...417
Drozdovych Nadiia. Peculiarities of assessing evidence by the cassation
court: contemporary practice……………………………………………………………....................……………………………….424
Section 8.
The problems of international law
Kresin Oleksiy, Kresina Iryna. Features of the status and protection of the rights
of persons living on the occupied territories……………………………………......................................……………433
Savchuk K.O. Questions of the laws and customs of war in the works of
representatives of the Kiev school of international law of the XIX – early XX centuries)…………….......…447
Protsenko Iryna. Contemporary problems of the application of international
treaties and international customs in the domestic law of Ukraine……………………….........................……456
Pavko Yana. Contemporary International Legal Regime For Environmental
Protection During Armed Conflicts……………………………………………………….............………………………………………465
Section 9.
The problems of the legal political science
Gorbatenko Volodymyr, Kukuruz Oksana. Construction of political and legal reality:
theory, methodology, practice………………………………………………………………………………………....................…….475
Stoyko Olena. Science policy of the state: dirigismå or liberalism………………......................………………..481
Yavir Vera. Politicî-legal system: structure, components and functions……………......................………….488
Khodakivskyi Mykhailo. The formation of legal policy of Ukraine at the present stage……...................496
Tarasyuk Volodymyr. Elements of Political-Legal Development of Ukraine Strategy:
Aspects of Actualization and Scholarly Comprehension………………………………………………..............…………..505
Section 10.
Tribune of young scientist
Vasylenko Oleksandr. Electronic payment system as an object of criminal encroachment............……..515
Kvasha Roman. Violent crime of juveniles: features of group behavior……………………......................……523
Ovechkina Olha. Features of transformation of legal entities in the conditions of Brexit…………………….…531
Mnatsakanian Siuzanna. Interim measures as human rights protection instruments:
to the problem statement………………………………………………………………………………………………......................…539
Demchenko Pylyp. An essence of the security in context of constitutional legal dimension………………....544
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