Редакційна колегія
Редакційна політика та етичні норми
Політика рецензування
Зміст номерів
Правова держава. Випуск 24 (2013)
Правова держава. Випуск 25 (2014)
Правова держава. Випуск 26 (2015)
Правова держава. Випуск 27 (2016)
Правова держава. Випуск 28 (2017)
Правова держава. Випуск 29 (2018)
Правова держава. Випуск 30 (2019)
Правова держава. Випуск 31 (2020)
Правова держава. Випуск 32 (2021)
Правова держава. Випуск 33 (2022)
Правова держава. Випуск 34 (2023)
Статті англійською мовою
Правова держава. Випуск 26 (2015)
Правова держава. Випуск 27 (2016)
Правова держава. Випуск 28 (2017)
Правова держава. Випуск 29 (2018)
Правова держава. Випуск 30 (2019)
Правова держава. Випуск 31 (2020)
Правова держава. Випуск 32 (2021)
Правова держава. Випуск 33 (2022)
Правова держава. Випуск 34 (2023)
Вимоги до оформлення та подання статей
Правова держава. Випуск 31 (2020)
Shemshuchenko Yurii, Skrypniuk Oleksandr. Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine:
Historical Significance and Challenges for the Present (to the 30th Anniversary of the Declaration)........3
Hogbatenko V.P. Winners of war and guardians of peace
(In memory of 75s anniversary of Victory in World War II...............................................................14
Usenko Igor. To the history of the founding of the Koretsky Institute of State
and Law of the National Ukrainian Academy of Science: new facts and documents.............................31
Section 1.
The proplems of the theory of state and law
Onishchenko N. M. Legal Regulation, Legal Impact, and Legal Support:
An Index of Indeterminacy.........................................................................................................46
Parkchomenko Natalia. Legal doctrine as a result of courts’ enforcement activity................................54
Tarakhonych Tetiana. Public Opinion: Notion, Peculiarities and
Role in the Law-making Process..................................................................................................62
Boginich Oleh. The metaphysical meaning of right force.................................................................71
Makarenko Larysa. Actual problems of formation of legal culture
in Ukraine at the present stage...................................................................................................79
Lvova Olena. Legal doctrine as a matrix of quality law....................................................................88
Sunegin S. Legal responsibility: socio-regulatory context for ensuring effectiveness.......................98
Sofinska Iryna. The nordic saga of citizenship.............................................................................108
Nepyivoda Vasyl, Nepyivoda Ivanna. Precedent as a Core Component
of Anglo-American Law and Its Penetration into the Legal System of Ukraine...................................119
Section 2.
History of state and law. History of legal science
Muzyka Iryna. Political ideology in the legislation of the UkrSSR
1950–1960 anthropological aspect.............................................................................................128
Bondaruk Tetiana Law and jurists in the historical and cultural process...........................................137
Ivanova Anastasiia. Law on National Personal Autonomy as partof the
Сonstitution of Ukrainian People’s Republic: history of creation : on history of creation.....................144
Samoilenko Elena. Halperin-Ginsburg Elena – the fate of a woman-lawyer
in the context of the era...........................................................................................................152
Khudoiar Lesia. The principle of equality in the programming documents
of the three internationals of the twentieth century......................................................................160
Malyshev Oleksandr. Cultural Heritage in Juridical Realm of Things.................................................169
Rominskyi Yevhen. Some features of the private treaties of
Old Rus of the princely era as sources of law...............................................................................180
Section 3
The problems of constitutional law and local government
Batanov Olexandr. Constitutional and legal foundations of the control activities
of the Ombudsman in the modern world: axiological, ontological and teleological aspects.................191
Pukhtynskyi Mykola. Territorial governance in Ukraine: constitutional and legal bases.......................202
Batanova Nataliya. Functions of constitutional and legal responsibility:
methodological problems of research.........................................................................................210
Section 4.
The urgent problems of environmental and land law
Malysheva Natalii. Development of the Environmental legislation in Ukraine
after coming into force of the Association Agreement...................................................................222
Kulynych Pavlo. Completion of Land Reform in Ukraine Legal Issues...............................................232
Krasilich Nataliia. Some environmental and legal aspects of the
development of the information society in Ukraine.......................................................................241
Polivodskyі Oleksandr. Land lease contract. Dynamic of invalidity...................................................249
Hurova Anna, Lustosa Maryna, Mongrolle Zhulien. A new approach
to access to environmental information and protection of environmental rights................................261
Section 5.
The problems of civil, labor law and social rights
Babaskin A. Legal nature of subordinated debt of financial institutions in Ukraine.............................272
Tymchenko Hennadiy. The system of principles of civil justice in Ukraine:
problematic issues of genesis, structure and forms of legislative consolidation.................................281
Simutina Yana. Decodification VS recodification of the labor legislation of Ukraine............................291
Venetskay Marina. Expansion of party replacement designs in the
commitment in the civil law of Ukraine.......................................................................................298
Trunova H. Principle of parity of social insurance management funds
as a guarantee for the implementation of the insured persons 'rights.............................................306
Section 6.
The problems of administrative law and public administration
Tymoshchuk Viktor. Challenges of civil service ”restarting”............................................................316
Isaeva Natalia. The development of legol principles of financial activity of
local self-government bodies in the conditions of decentralization of power in Ukraine......................325
Derets Viktoria. Improvement of legal bases of the system of
central bodies of executive power of Ukraine...............................................................................333
Vorotina Natalia. Actual issues of legal regulation of formation
of budgets of the united territorial communities in Ukraine............................................................341
Banchuk Oleksandr. Administrative and legal bases of activity of local
local law enforcement units in the conditions of decentralization of executive power.........................350
Section 7.
The problems of the criminal law and the criminal procedure
Kvasha Oksana. Political will is a required condition effective combating corruption.........................359
Kubalskyi Vladyslav. Bases of criminal legal counteraction to separatism.........................................365
Kozlyuk L.G. The Importance of Studying Issues Related to the Identity
of the Perpetrator from the View of Socio-naturalistic Criminology..................................................374
Landina A.V., Lysenko O.M. International standards for sentencing
a special subject of crime.........................................................................................................380
Drozdovych N.L. Conditions of admissibility of procedural analogy
in criminal proceeddings in Ukraine............................................................................................389
Section 8.
The problems of international law
Drozdovych Nadiia. Conditions of admissibility of procedural
analogy in criminal proceedings in Ukraine..................................................................................397
Oleksiy Kresin. Institutional mechanism of EU peacekeeping.........................................................407
Savchuk Kostyantyn. Little-known pages of the history of the development
of international legal thought Ludwig Jacob (1759–1827)..............................................................415
Falalіeіeva Liudmyla. Respect for human rights as a component of the construction
of European identity and the Constitution of Ukraine....................................................................426
Protsenko Iryna. The child right to be heard in court
(using the 1980 Hague Convention in Ukraine as an example).......................................................435
Section 9.
The problems of the legal political science
Kresina I.O. On the subject field and methodological
foundations of legal and political science.....................................................................................445
Stoyko O. М. Institualization of referendum in EU countries...........................................................455
Gorbatenko Volodymyr. Principles of Political and Legal Research...................................................452
Yavir Vera. Legal political science as a post-non-classical research paradigm....................................461
Kukuruz Oksana. Policy and law in the works of Ukrainian scientists
of the late XIX – early XX centuries...........................................................................................469
Tarasuk Volodymyr. The military ombudsman institute as an integral
part of the national security system...........................................................................................477
Section 10.
Tribune of young scientist
Khomenko O. Functions of law definitions concept and classification...............................................485
Bilokon O. H. Concept And Types of Bribery as a Cross-cutting
Сoncept in the Сriminal Law of Ukraine......................................................................................496
Mykhaiskyi Oleksii. Review of USА legislation in the field of environmental and
legal regulation of shale gas production experience for Ukraine......................................................505
Kostyuk Ostap. Protection of national security of Ukraine The role of mass media.............................513
Savchuk Sergiy. International legal regulation of non-standard forms of employment.......................522
Shkarupa Sergii. Viceroyalty system in the Dnieper Ukraine (1780–1796)
historiograpy of the topic..........................................................................................................532
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