Falalieieva L. H.

Falalieieva L. H. Mechanisms of consultations within politico-military and human dimensions of the OSCE

The article contains analysis of OSCE activities in the aspect of human, politico-military, economic and environmental dimensions, the first two dimensions being a special focus, taking into account the comprehensive OSCE approach towards security issues. It is highlighted that within the framework of the said dimensions, OSCE has a set of consultation mechanisms for specific situations used in line with the relevant dimension with a thematic focus and supported by flexible practice of their application. Each mechanism for providing and maintaining security and stability in OSCE activities in a specific situation is determined individually and may not substitute the other. The article shows that practical implementation of the OSCE potential depends on completeness of institutionalization process, use of strategic and systemic approaches, efficiency of response to new geopolitical reality that activates to date signing a constituent act of OSCE, giving OSCE powers to take legally binding resolutions in politico-military, economic and environmental, as well as human dimensions, and in the first place, in the field of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

OSCE has developed certain European standards within the scope of each dimension of its activities that differ in their form and content. Principles and procedural issues of consultation mechanisms within politico-military dimension are defined in specific documents forming their basis, among others being OSCE Mechanisms and Procedures (SEC.GAL/132/11) dated 14.09.2011, Vienna Document on Confidence and Security Building Measures (FSC.DOC/1/11) dated 30.11.2011. The OSCE internal organizational mechanism requires clear structuring and conditions for enhancing OSCE efficiency, first of all, in the aspect of multidimensional approach towards security issues. The consultations are held, in particular, with the support of OSCE directive bodies – the Permanent Council, the Forum for Security Cooperation that may provide expert support, give guidance for the parties and promote search of resolution, formation of new ideas for discussion proving intensive and goal-oriented involvement of OSCE in the process: settle conflicts politically, eliminate reasons for tensions between the parties, restore confidence and intensify political conciliation.

The study presents human dimension of security issues in the OSCE activities applied to certain situations, such dimension being a core of the comprehensive security concept. Principles and procedural issues of consultations within human dimension are defined by the Vienna mechanism and the Moscow mechanism, forming their basis. Taken together, the said mechanisms constitute process of supervision over performance of commitments in the field of human dimension, tools of which may be used by OSCE participating states to resolve certain situations. The article shows peculiarities of the content of Astana Declaration Towards a Security Community of 2010 where the participating states confirmed again the relevance of principles, on which the Organization is built, having admitted responsibility for complete and diligent implementation of the principles and considering such commitments in the field of human dimension as their common accomplishment. 

The article states that when defending national interests of Ukraine during target-oriented and sustained negotiation process within framework of consultations, it is worth applying constructively and flexibly all available tools, formats, mechanisms, and procedures of OSCE politico-military and human dimensions, by at least drawing attention to existing challenges, approved tools and mechanisms of their settlement. During such consultations, the special attention should be drawn to the commitments undertaken by the participating states according to the conditions of OSCE participation to observe principles of this Organization, as well as to the OSCE commitment to promote observation of such principles by its participating states by reviewing and strengthening mechanisms of control over performance of commitments for the purpose of obtaining increased correlation of goals and actions, providing for performance and efficiency of implementation of the comprehensive approach towards security system in Europe and in the entire OSCE region, at the heart of which is placed a human being, observation of human rights, and fundamental freedoms.

Кeywords: OSCE, mechanisms and procedures, participating states, human rights, third countries, conflicts prevention, conflicts settle, politico-military dimension, human dimension.

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