Tarakhonych T. I.

Tarakhonych T. I. Methodological tools of scientific cognition

It’s highlighted in the article that methodology is general scientific phenomenon characteristic of science in general and each science in particular.

The article emphasizes that methodology structurally includes the row of components, among which system of methods and doctrine on them, certain outlook of researcher and general theoretical principles.

The attention is drawn to different points of view on understanding the methodology by foreign and domestic scientists. Thus, foreign scientists stress that the methodology is a special section of the theory of cognition, which is a logical search of ways, means, methods of research activities and their application in various fields of scientific knowledge. Author highlights that number of scientists analyzing methodology put emphasis on the methods of scientific cognition, which significantly reduces its scientific potential and along with that don’t deny the existence of scientific principles, logic techniques and special methods of cognition.
An important role is given to the methodology of legal science among methodology of scientific cognition. It’s emphasized that the basis of the methodology of legal science is the methodology of theory of law. Its specific features and functionality are highlighted by the author.

It was found that the methodological basis of general theoretical research of legal science categories are the research approaches, a system of methods, tools and general theoretical principles of scientific cognition.

Various methodological approaches are defined and described in general theoretical level. The notion of scientific cognition methods was defined, and attention was drawn to its specific features. Along with the methods, the principles of scientific cognition play impotant role among methodological tools, the most important of which are given substantive characteristic.

Key words: methodology of scientific cognition, methodology of legal science, methodology of theory of state and law, scientific approaches, method, tool of scientific cognition, principles of scientific cognition.

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