Comparative philosophy of law: the problem of conceptualization

Tykhomyrov O. D. Comparative philosophy of law: the problem of conceptualization

The end of XX – beginning of XXI century characterized by the development of comparative research undertaken within the various social sciences and humanities. Methodological comparative approaches and relevant subject knowledge inherent in such social-humanitarian sciences as linguistics, literature studies, art history, pedagogics, psychology, political science, geopolitics and many others. Thus there is a change of ideological, philosophical, scientific and other fundamental principles of such research. In contrast to the universality of modernism, on the foundations of postmodernism plurality is becoming comparativism shaping, which, however, is more focused on post-postmodern worldview. Its sources and various forms of manifestation are in the sphere of numerous comparative, interdisciplinary, cross-national and other studies of philosophical, sociological, political, legal, linguistic nature and in spaces of other forms of cognition – religious, mythological, everyday, practical and others.
One of these directions of philosophy of law development are comparative legal philosophy studies that evolving at the intersection of philosophy, philosophy of law, other legal, social sciences and humanities of comparative perspective, form a "field" of interdisciplinary research, as well as various forms of systematization and institutionalization.
In such a cognition of the philosophy of law as its comparative self-reflection methodological and philosophical fundamental importance has comparative philosophy, which for a long time is actively developing and has formal international recognition.
Key words: comparativism, comparativistics, philosophical comparativistics, philosophy of law, comparative legal philosophy, comparative jurisprudence.

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