Scientific picture of the world, picture of the world of legal sciences, legal world map (legal geography of the world): from the general to the particular (some reflections)

Kryvtsova I. S. Scientific picture of the world, picture of the world of legal sciences, legal world map (legal geography of the world): from the general to the particular (some reflections)

In article an attempt of the analysis of a substantial component of the category "scientific picture of the world", consideration of its structural row, namely levels of synthesis of scientific knowledge – general scientific, interdisciplinary and specifically scientific, and also search of possibility of extrapolation of gnoseological installations from a general scientific picture of the world in the specifically scientific picture of the world created on the example of a legal komparativistics is made. As a result of the conducted research became obvious that an organizing role of communication between a scientific picture of the world and the legal world map as example of a specifically scientific picture of the world belongs to the fundamental methodological principles (an evolutionism, systemacity, a typologism, a sinergetizm, etc). The specification of one of gnoseological regulatives – the principle of typologism in relation to the legal world map, allowed on new to look at foundations of its organization and systematization of knowledge of types of the law.
Key words: scientific picture of the world, legal komparativistika, legal world map, methodological principles, tipologizm, type of the law.

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